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- Zelda 2 The Adventure Of Link Nes Rom Download
- Download Zelda 2 - The Adventure Of Link ROM for Nintendo(NES) and Play Zelda 2 - The Adventure Of Link Video Game on your PC, Mac, Android or iOS device!
- DOWNLOAD Zelda 2 ROM (Download Manager) DOWNLOAD Zelda 2 ROM (Direct). In order to be able to play this game you need an emulator installed. See the full list of available Nintendo Entertainment System emulators for this game. Were you able to play this game? Worked for 50% / based on 2 voters. Load Comments. Related ROMs.
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Zelda II: The Adventure of Link is the second entry in the ground-breaking Zelda franchise. This controversial follow-up ditches the original's top-down perspective for 2D side-scrolling exploration and combat. The 2D towns, dungeons and combat arenas are tied together by a top-down overworld. Download Zelda II The Adventure of Link ROM for NES to play on your pc, mac, android or iOS mobile device. Download Zelda II - The Adventure of Link ROM for Nintendo (NES) from Rom Hustler. 100% Fast Download. The Legend of Zelda » Download NES ROM ® The Legend of Zelda rom Oh! Do not hurt me! I like Zelda. Great game and great series. But it is not surprising. Of course it is better than other games in this list (11-15), but not surprising. That's my problem. He was very happy about where to go confused. Yes, it's a start, but it is not.
ROMs » Nintendo Entertainment System » Z » Zelda II - The Adventure of Link (USA)Nintendo Entertainment System / NES ROMs
Genre: Role-PlayingAction-AdventureLegend Of Zelda 2 Nes Rom Download
Rating: ESRB: E, PEGI: 7+, PEGI: 3+, CERO: A, OFLC: G
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Game Description & Reviews:

Again, this is a really great game. I think it is the only one where zelda kisses link!
Desch rates this game: 2/5This game sucks, and not just because it's the worst game in the entire Zelda series, but because it REALLY sucks! I have a lot of complains about this horrible game:
1. The graphics. They're terrible. All the locations in the game looks the same and plain. There's no creative design whatsoever. It's all just generic fields, caves and dungeons.
2. The music. It's not really so bad, but the same tracks repeat over and over. There is one for the field, one for towns, one for caves and field encounters, one for palaces and one for the boss battles. So there's just five songs for the entire game. At first it may look not to bad... if it was a simple platformer game, but this is an RPG-adventure game with lots of dungeons, so after the half of the game you'll be tired of repetitive music already.
3. The gameplay. This game is a mix between platformer and RPG, but it sucks in either ways. It's action part consists of average repetitive sword-swinging, while the RPG part consists corny experience gaining, which makes your character's level more important than your gameplay skills and really unbalances the game. It also have magic spells, some of which can come in handy, but most of them are useless.
In conclusion, this is a plain and boring game not worth playing at all...
Zelda II is the sequel to the original Zelda on the NES. Zelda II changes quite a few things to the Zelda formula. It is a depature from the other Zeldas. However it is still a good game. You can still use your sword and shield, and you can jump. Your goal is to wake up Princess Zelda from her slumber. You will go to various towns and dungeons. In the towns, you will find characters who give you magic like being able to jump higher or turn into a fairy. Zelda II is harder than a lot of other Zeldas, but it is still manageable.
Zelda II also has deeper RPG elements where you will gain XP for defeating enemies and be able to level up your stats. You will also need to get special items to progress further in the game. Overall Zelda II is still a good game and fun. Any Zelda fan should play it.
alexfred693 rates this game: 4/5The RPG-style follow up to the original Zelda. This game is cool due to the new gameplay and the ability to jump! A definitive Zelda title.
Kenani rates this game: 5/5Zelda 2 Nes Rom Download
This is an all time great pitting you against incredible odds to rescue Princess Zelda, it's rather tough, but keep at it it's worth the rewards.
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